


Our job is to research all debt that you are owed. We find the money they try to hide from you and we aggressively go after every penny.


Skip Tracing

Our proprietary software systematically searches over 100 data sources to locate individuals and businesses. It gives us an in-depth history, including verified and non-verified addresses, associates, neighbors, neighborhood and relatives. We make the calls and write the letters. We will locate your debtor.

File Documents

We prepare the paperwork and file all necessary documents with the state. You will not have to guess what to do, we will prepare all of this for you.


Collect Payment

Sometimes the debtors want to settle on an amount other than what is owed. They know most of the creditors don’t even know they are owed money; they use this as a stall tactic. We take the best option to ensure a quick and easy payday. We will legally present your case and collect your money and send you a check. If you don’t get paid, we don’t get paid. 



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(800) 456-0563


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